Author: Daniel Mynyk

Daniel holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Pensacola Christian College and an M.I.S. from University of Phoenix. He is passionate about defending and promoting historic, orthodox Christianity that has lost its foothold in evangelical churches.

California FIRES its FRIES!: The Tragedy of Minimum Wage Activism

April 1, 2024 was no April Fool’s Day for many fast food workers in California. When a new law went into effect promising a $20 minimum wage for fast workers, many found themselves worse off. Slashed hours or even laid off, young people felt betrayed by pipe dream politics. The law included a controversial carve out that benefits some food chains at the expense of others. And laws like California’s updated FAST Recovery Act devastate the people they proport to help. Is a coercive minimum wage even a Biblical concept? Especially one far above what employers and young employees would naturally agree on? The Bible strongly supports covenants and keeping one’s promises. Jesus’ parable of the vineyard workers explains that

Is Richard Dawkins a “Christian”?

In an interview on April 1, Richard Dawkins gave an “Easter message” in an interview. Expressing his concern about the spread of Islam in the UK, Dawkins called himself a “cultural Christian.” He likes to live in a “Christian culture” but he is “not a believer” and doesn’t “believe a word of the Christian faith.” While some claim this is a “change” from Dawkins’ past, I remain skeptical. Let’s look at some verses in the Bible to see if claiming to be a “cultural Christian” makes one a “Christian” in any meaningful way. Sources Referenced: Rachel Johnson, “Richard Dawkins: I’m a Cultural Christian,” LBC, April 1, 2024, educational video, 0:00 to 2:51, Scriptures Referenced: Acts 10:34-35 James 2:9 Hebrews

Christ Is King: The Richness of the Resurrection

Christ is King! This statement has become controversial in the last week. Instead of arguing over the politics of it, I talk about the doctrines of Jesus Christ that make Him king: Christ is King because of the Trinity Christ is King because of the Incarnation (which depends on the Trinity) Christ is King because of substitutionary atonement (which depends on the incarnation) Christ is King because of the resurrection (which depends on substitutionary atonement) Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 110:1 Matthew 28:18-19 1 Corinthians 12:3-11 Isaiah 45:22-23 Philippians 2:5-11 Isaiah 53:10-12 Hebrews 2:14-18 Acts 2:30-36 1 Peter 3:18-22 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 ***Castle Rock Women’s Healthis a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please

The Crusade Against Human Nature

I talk about how some current news items reflect an unbiblical crusade against the intuitions of human nature. We all know the Ten Commandments make perfect sense for both personal virtue and a flourishing society. However, we also recognize how the Fall of man tempts us to yield to base desires. The philosophies of world that we see all around us in the news try to subject the human nature that reflects the image of God to the whims of base desires. They try make people fight over who gets to satisfy their own base desires at the expense of others. We should not lose heart as we know our labor is not in vain, and Jesus Christ as the

The Biblical Theme of Courage

Chelsea and I recall a few Sunday School stories from the Bible that demonstrate a running theme: they all required courage to trust God with results. ***Castle Rock Women’s Healthis a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please considera monthly or one-time donation. *** We value your feedback! Have questions for Truthspresso?Contact us!

An “Interview” with Google Gemini

I go “solo” in this episode, but I have a virtual companion for some of the episode. Artificial Intelligence (AI) engines may offer us untold potential for productivity. However, if used for political control of news and research, they could cause chilling effects. First, we look at how Google Gemini’s “diversity” pictures caused backlash and blunted the success of its debut. Meta’s AI also showed similar problems. Then, I ask Google Gemini some questions about its past, some philosophy, and some theology. What can AI tell us about the Christian Podcast Community and the Truthspresso podcast? Finally, I test Gemini’s creativity to write some poems about Truthspresso. A sonnet about Truthspresso: A shot of faith, a podcast sharp and bold,

The Alabama Supreme Court’s IVF Ruling

On February 20, 2024, The Alabama Supreme Court in the case James LePage, et al. v. The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Mobile Infirmary Association ruled in favor of the plaintiffs who suffered a loss of their frozen offspring as a result of an accident at a fertility clinic. The issue now is what happens to in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the state of Alabama? The state House and Senate both passed emergency bills to protect current IVF treatments while not challenging the ruling. What is the most consistent pro-life position on this issue? Is it possible to practice a form of IVF that attempts to be 100% pro-life? Chelsea and I discuss important sections of the ruling, a concurring

Infanticide in D.C.?!

Disclaimer: we talk about some gruesome details of abortion procedures and results. In March of 2022 the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising group obtained five bodies of babies possibly birth-sized babies in a box of 115 aborted bodies destined for processing as “medical waste.” For two years D.C. has claimed to investigate if the “D.C. five” were killed illegally (as opposed to killed legally). As the Biden administration has attempted to dispose these bodies, pro-life groups and members of Congress are fighting to keep the baby bodies available and force a real investigation. Is Washington, D.C. trying to cover up full-blown infanticide? Well, we believe all abortion results in “infanticide,” but how far does this culture of death go in the sacred

Does “He Gets Us” Get Him?

Once again a multimillion-dollar campaign called “He Gets Us” aired an ad during the Super Bowl. The ad presented a slide show of people often at political odds washing one another’s feet. Well, usually it was the “conservative” washing the feet of the “liberal.” It ended with “Jesus didn’t preach hate. He washed feet.” What does the Bible saying about foot washing? What does the “He Gets Us” campaign get right in the ad and its website, and what may it get wrong? Could a campaign focused on disarming social issues lure people into becoming disciples of Jesus? Sources Cited: He Gets Us “Loving your neighbor is nearly impossible. How can we do it?“ “About Us“ “How did Jesus step

REWIND: How God Wrote Our Love Story

Better than a Hallmark movie! Well, in our opinion, anyway. Join us for a walk down memory lane as we share our love story. Chuckle together with us through our journey of how we met, became friends, dated, got engaged, and ultimately married. The cuteness factor just may be off the charts! As we celebrated 12 years of marriage, we hope our story will encourage singles to seek God’s will for their future and couples to be dearest friends. This episode was the kick start to a series of episodes about marriage and family. Scriptures Cited: Proverbs 18:22 Other episodes in this series: How God Wrote Our Love Story Thinking Biblically About Marriage Tips for Singles Looking for a Spouse